Mentoring and Tours


New duck keeper class

Interested in getting some ducks, but don’t know where to begin? Overwhelmed by what you’ve been reading? This is the session for you!

Visit the farm in Monroe, meet the ducks, and get ALL your questions answered!

From what to feed at each life stage to predator-proofing and winter care, we’ll go over everything you need to get your flock started off right.

You’ll also get to meet a wide range of duck breeds live on our farm, from Khaki Campbells to Cayugas, and see different options for housing them safely.

$20 for a private 1-hour session with the farmer.

Duck cuddles included!


Farm tour

We are an open farm, and encourage visitors!

It’s important to see where your food comes from, and we want to show you that the animals and land are being properly cared for.

Customers are always welcome to the farm. Contact us to set up a time today!